Category: Articles

  • Biblical Practices of Worship

    When we gather as a church family, we gather for one reason – to worship God; that is, to exalt the name of the Lord in one another’s hearts, and to have our desire and love for Him deepened in our own hearts. In doing so, we declare Him glorious before our community and invite…

  • 5 Blessings of having Children in the Worship Service

    Jesus loves to see children participate in worship. Jesus even says that the attitude of humble faith that children have make them even more naturally ready for worship of God. As we gather each Sunday, we are privileged to have a number of young children with us. These children come with with added distraction and…

  • Questions & Answers: Assurance of Salvation

    Questions & Answers: Assurance of Salvation

    Assurance of salvation is possibly the hardest thing to counsel because to some degree you don’t know what you are counseling when you begin. There are four basic reasons someone may doubt their salvation. Not all of them can be fixed in one session or even one week of counseling. The first and most obvious…

  • A Believer’s Boldness

    A Believer’s Boldness

    Hebrews 4:14-16 In prior dispensations there has been a priesthood on earth that was the intercessor between God and His people. Hebrews 4:14-16 speaks of a new High Priest for the current dispensation. In verse fourteen, Jesus is stated to be the “great high priest,” and “the Son of God.” No intercessor has there ever…

  • A Worthy Life

    A Worthy Life

    In Philippians 1:27, Paul demands a life that is significantly different from the norm. This demand is not placed upon just the more “spiritual” believers but upon every believer. This is a call for every believer to live out his true citizenship of heaven while yet on the earth. Paul begins with a statement giving…

  • The Cost of Following

    The Cost of Following

    Many today call themselves followers of Christ simply because they give mental assent to the basic truths of the gospel and live relitively moral lives, but what Christ had in mind when He spoke of followers was much more. Jesus addresses what it means to follow Him in Luke 9. In Christ’s description there are two prerequisites…